Free Our Health Care Now Update

Dear Friends -

On September 9, the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) and Salem Radio Network will present the Free Our Health Care NOW! petition to Leaders of Congress. Your voice and the voice of more than 1.15 million supporters are just two weeks from being heard on Capitol Hill. In order to make the greatest impact, we ask that you encourage everyone you know who has not signed, to sign the petition and send it on to 10 friends who are not aware of the campaign. Help us deliver 1.5 million!

You are invited to join us for delivery of the petition to Congress. The event will take place in Upper Senate Park, adjacent to the Russell Senate Office Building just across Delaware Street NE, Washington, D.C, on Wednesday, September 9, 2009, at 2:00 pm Eastern Time. The petitions will be delivered via ambulance to the event. Hope you can be with us for this important event! This is the link to the White House Bulletin announcing your offensive.

And, we need your help to continue this campaign. Give $5, $10, whatever you can, to help keep the drive alive. We are fighting for our freedom!

Your Voice, Brought to You by The Wall Street Journal. On August 21, the Journal ran an editorial entitled "Explaining the Town-Hall Protests" in which NCPA President John Goodman rejected the notion that town hall attendees were "un-American" and described them as exactly who you are: "cancer survivors, seniors and others who are very well-informed Americans." Your efforts made this defense of the democratic process possible! For the full article, please see

Obama Takes the Health Care Fight to Senior Citizens. In his New Hampshire town hall meeting, President Obama took aim at the elderly and Medicare Advantage, promising to cut the $177 billion that it provides to low- and moderate-income seniors. In his recent article, "The Puzzling War on the Elderly," John Goodman argues that cutting Medicare Advantage-a lifeline used by 25% of America's seniors-would expose current retirees to thousands of dollars in medical costs. If the President and Congress succeed in cutting billions of dollars from the Medicare program it will hurt seniors most! For more on this issue, please visit

Senate Majority Leader Contemplates Partisan Ploy. With Congressional support for health care reform dropping as fast as approval ratings, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is considering (mis)using an obscure parliamentary procedure to ensure passage of ObamaCare. The legislative maneuver, known as reconciliation, would allow the 'budget-related' components of ObamaCare to pass the Senate by a simple majority (51) instead of three-fifths supermajority (60). Several Senators on both sides of the aisle, including Senators Byrd, Lieberman, Specter, Grassley, and Snowe are vocally opposed. Said Ms. Snowe, "At a time when we need to bolster the public's confidence in whatever we do with health care, I don't think the reconciliation process will serve the purpose of providing affordable health security for all Americans."

The ire of these senators is well-placed, but anger alone will not stop Mr. Reid's latest attempt to pass ObamaCare. Only a clear demonstration by the American people stands a chance of making a difference! For ways to fight ObamaCare, please see the links below.

Reconciliation Suggests Desperation. Mr. Reid's discussion of a reconciliation initiative testifies to a growing desperation among Senate Democrats. As a tactic for realizing ObamaCare, reconciliation is not only unpopular and divisive, it's risky. As a nakedly partisan effort, reconciliation will likely rally conservatives and alienate moderate voters. What's more, if Democrats close ranks now, they may permanently sour their relationship with Senate moderates and conservatives; and, in the process, jeopardize their legislative agenda. Finally, reconciliation will expose ObamaCare to a Senate floor fight which could ravage the bill. As one expert colorfully explained, "You might end up with Swiss cheese coming off the floor."

These significant risks reveal that Mr. Reid is not saber-rattling because of his strength, but because your commitment to this battle has shown the weaknesses of the effort to nationalize health care. Your continued support of the Free Our Health Care NOW! petition will keep up the pressure and discourage such partisan ploys!

Want to Receive Daily Updates on the Policies Important to You? In addition to policy research, presentations and Congressional testimony, the NCPA also produces a free, daily, electronic newsletter -Daily Policy Digest - which brings you the most wide-ranging public policy findings five times a week.

We know your time is valuable, so we find and summarize the most topical public policy issues from today's newspapers, magazines, websites, government reports, scholarly journals and other think tanks. Sign up now and start receiving our newsletter free every Monday through Friday.

There are lots of ways to get involved!

Continue to send us the town hall meetings in your area! Include the date, time, location, address, city, state, congressperson, and any other important information so we can enter them in our database.

Attend the Congressional Town Hall meetings in your area:
Take ObamaCare Talking Points to your Town Hall meetings:
Go with questions to your Town Hall meeting:

There is also a wealth of other educational and resource material available, including better alternatives to government-run health care:

Health Care Solutions:
Five Steps to a Better Health Care System.
Dr. John Goodman's Blog - Current, up-to date information on the debate:
Heartland Institute's Health Care Solutions:

Thank you again for your support of the "Free Our Health Care NOW!" and for fighting against nationalized health care.

Jeanette Nordstrom
National Center for Policy Analysis

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