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August 26, 2009 - Issue #2754 |
What Is Your Company's Ratio?Dear ETR Reader - What matters most in building a business is the ratio of new client sales to existing client sales -- i.e., resales. This affects the amount of time and energy you put into the front end versus the back end. In the information publishing business, I like the number of new sales to be about 10 times greater than the number of back-end sales. In terms of dollars, the average back-end sale is usually much higher than the average front-end sale. In the investment newsletter business, for example, back-end sales range from $300 to $5,000. Front-end sales range from $20 to $100. If your business made 1,000 back-end sales last year, you should have your marketers establish a goal of at least 10,000 front-end sales this year. Achieving that goal will not be easy. Front-end sales are tough. But it has to be done. Front-end sales are the ones that grow your business. So explain the importance of this to your employees. Then connect the compensation of your key creative and marketing people to those front-end targets. In today's issue:
* * * Before we get to your wealth, health, and happiness, a word about our new format: As you have no doubt noticed, we are changing things up a bit. And some of you like the changes and some of you don't. We continue to read every note you send us and make adjustments as we go. We are also doing split tests to determine whether certain changes result in greater or less reader response. Our goal is a newsletter format that is easy to read and yet delivers a higher level of quality advice. This process will take another week or so to complete, but you can expect to be 100 percent satisfied when we are finished. This we promise you. The Perfect Business Literally in Your Pocket - Flick through a step-by-step set of simple 1-2-3 instructions. Follow them (should take about 20 minutes). The next conversation you have, simply say the "Magic Words" per the instructions. The next thing you know, your bank account could start filling up. Read more... How Ordinary Guarantees Can Be Extraordinarily EffectiveI saw an advert in a NYC cab for a six-week "combat training" course. The program was run by a woman. She wore fatigues. So did her students. Maybe not entirely unique. Still, it distinguished her from the crowd. What was more interesting was that she offered a 100 percent money-back guarantee. A money-back guarantee is standard for most products and services. But it occurred to me that I hadn't seen any guarantees for fitness or martial arts programs. They may offer a few free introductory lessons. But once you sign up, there are no refunds. I suggested to several of my fitness and martial arts instructor friends that they try it. About half pointed out that they have fixed overheads and have to struggle to make a profit. They said they were afraid people would take advantage of them. I don't think they would. It's tough to ask for a refund face-to-face if you know you've been getting good service. If I had to guess, I'd say the bad debt would be less than five percent. That's a small price to pay for a considerably higher rate of response to your ads. Making Money Online Is Not Complicated - Most Internet marketing programs sound exciting at first. But soon you are totally confused and/or overwhelmed with complex terms and strategies. But the best way to make money online is actually the simplest. People predominantly use the Internet to check their email. And you can leverage that fact to make as much as $250 per day. Read more... Energy and HealingEastern medicine is old, very old. Some ancient Indian therapies date back almost 6,000 years. Some people I know seem to feel that any system that has survived for that long must be right. Others believe that only the latest scientific breakthroughs are worthwhile. My own position is in between. I don't believe in any cure that has the word mystical attached to it. But I do believe human beings are clustered energy systems. Therefore, the old therapies that sought to unlock or redirect energy might have some validity. I tried acupuncture once. I experienced a noticeable physical reaction from it. I regularly get deep tissue massage. I can feel the energy effect in that. I also practice yoga, perhaps the oldest energy-based exercise in the world. As I said, I don't believe these therapies are mystical. But I do think they stimulate blood and oxygen flow throughout the body. In blood and oxygen there is energy. One 2,000-year-old energy therapy - something called Chakra exercises - was recommended to me by our own Paul Lawrence. He has been experimenting with it for about a month. He's excited about the results. To read about Paul's experience, click here. Stop Playing Standard Stock Market Games - Spend just 30 minutes a day in front of your computer – using "tactical surgical strikes" to hit the market where it hurts. You could be making $5,000, $10,000, or more per week – whether the market falls, soars, or goes sideways. Read more... "I was overwhelmed by the incredible talents and real genius qualities of the speakers and the faculty at ETR's Bootcamp""Please extend my sincere thanks to your entire group for a very dynamic and lively conference at the Marriott. I was overwhelmed by the incredible talents and real genius qualities of the speakers and the faculty at ETR's Bootcamp. "I thought all the geniuses were in Science and Medicine. After the conference, my narrow focus has expanded to the mind-boggling aspects of Internet Marketing. Constance Alfano-Weigand, MD, CCN, ND *** If You Don't Know, Don't Say |
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Copyright © 2009 Early to Rise, LLC. NOTE: If URLs do not appear as live links in your e-mail program, please cut and paste the full URL into the location or address field of your browser. Disclaimer: Early to Rise only recommends products that we've either personally checked out ourselves, or that come from people we know and trust. For doing so, we receive a commission. We will never recommend any product that does not have a 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee. Nothing in this e-mail should be considered personalized Financial Advice. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation. No communication by our employees to you should be deemed as personalized Financial Advice. We expressly forbid our writers from having a financial interest in any security recommended to our readers. All of our employees and agents must wait 24 hours after on-line publication or 72 hours after the mailing of printed-only publication prior to following an initial recommendation. Any investments recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company. To unsubscribe from Early to Rise and any associated external offers, Click here. To contact us, please visit... To cancel or for any other subscription issues, write us at: Order Processing Center Attn: Customer Service PO Box 7835 Delray Beach, Florida 33482 |
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