Free Our Health Care NOW! Update

Dear Friends -

More than 1,090,000 Americans have signed the "Free Our Health Care NOW!" petition against nationalizing our health care system. This would not have been possible without your support, so thank you! However, we need to keep adding members to our team to help make a difference in this battle and say NO! to government run health care!

If the proposed health care legislation becomes law, one of the hardest hit groups will be our senior citizens.

The rationing of health care is of particular concern to seniors, and we have heard from many of you who are worried about how rationing would impact your own health care, and that of your elderly neighbors, friends, and family.

In a January 2009 article called "Principles for Allocation of Scarce Medical Interventions" (a nice way of saying "rationing") Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a health reform advisor to President Obama, proposed a rationing system called a "complete lives system." His system would ration care by focusing on adolescents and young adults first, trying to save the most "life-years" overall. His system would even use a lottery to allocate some medical care. You can read the article here:

In focusing on adolescents first, Dr. Emanuel says: "Adolescents have received substantial education and parental care, investments that will be wasted without a complete life. Infants, by contrast, have not yet received these investments. ... [This system] treats life-years given to elderly or disabled people as objectively less valuable."

Should your family decide the best care for your elderly loved ones, or should it be rationed by the government?

Get involved and make your voices heard. Make sure your friends and family have signed the health care petition - If they don't have access to a computer, visit our "Action Pack" and print out the petition, or to access our Learning/Teaching Tools about health care so you can share this information with everyone you know.

There are lots of ways to get involved!

Send us the town hall meetings in your area! Be sure to include the date, time, location, address, congressperson, and any other important information.

Attend the Congressional Town Hall meetings in your area:

Take ObamaCare Talking Points to your Town Hall meetings:

Be prepared with NCPA responses to Speaker Pelosi's Talking Points:

Go with questions to your Town Hall meeting:

There is also a wealth of other educational and resource material available, including better alternatives to government run health care:

Health Care Solutions:

Five Steps to a Better Health Care System.

Dr. John Goodman's Blog - Current, up-to date information on the debate:

Heartland Institute's Health Care Solutions:

Thank you again for your support of the petition and for fighting with us against nationalized health care.

Jeanette Nordstrom
National Center for Policy Analysis

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