Want to know what every Network Marketing Millionaire knows that you don't?
When someone who was congratulated by 2 U.S. presidents
for his business prowess and ingenuity, built an INC 500
for his business prowess and ingenuity, built an INC 500
company and was INC Magazine's Success Story of the
Year, says he can help you with your business, maybe
you should think seriously about what he has to say, right?
Each week, I'm on the phone with more network marketing
millionaires than anyone else in the business.
Seven years ago, Sara listened to my audio tape and six months
later had 6,000 people in her group by putting into effect one of
my key strategies known only to the top income earners in the
later had 6,000 people in her group by putting into effect one of
my key strategies known only to the top income earners in the
Today, Sara's group exceeds 32,000 people and not only does she
thank me for it. She's brought me in to train her people.
Another one of my coaching clients increased the size of his group
Today, Sara's group exceeds 32,000 people and not only does she
thank me for it. She's brought me in to train her people.
Another one of my coaching clients increased the size of his group
by 50% in seven weeks. He was recognized two months later at his
national convention as having the fastest growing group in the company.
He also met and married his soul mate as a direct result of our 6 hours
He also met and married his soul mate as a direct result of our 6 hours
I can turn anyone into a Social Networking Master, in only 6 hours,
but there's so much more that my personal coaching involves.
You see, there aren't too many people walking around with the
Industry knowledge that I have. And when it comes to the Internet
I have no equal.
I've been told by many of my coaching clients that I'm as insightful
as Dr. Phil and can help identify precisely what holds a person back
You see, there aren't too many people walking around with the
Industry knowledge that I have. And when it comes to the Internet
I have no equal.
I've been told by many of my coaching clients that I'm as insightful
as Dr. Phil and can help identify precisely what holds a person back
from the success they seek. Once the problem is identified, it's easier
to correct than you think.
Each month, I'm available to help 20 people set their goals, execute a
plan to attain them, and then exceed them. Are you up to discover
a new world of success? I've got room in my schedule for one more
to correct than you think.
Each month, I'm available to help 20 people set their goals, execute a
plan to attain them, and then exceed them. Are you up to discover
a new world of success? I've got room in my schedule for one more
Would you like to do more business between Halloween and New
Year's Eve than you did all year long?
"At the Rate that I am going, I'll be making
$40,000 a month in a few months." Howard
"My first company check after working
with you for 3 months was $64,000. G.W.
Would you like to have 6,000 more people in your business six months
"At the Rate that I am going, I'll be making
$40,000 a month in a few months." Howard
"My first company check after working
with you for 3 months was $64,000. G.W.
Would you like to have 6,000 more people in your business six months
from now?
"Max taught me to build an organization
of 6,000 people in 6 months." Sara
"12 weeks after working with you, I
had 1900 people in my business." Gary
"You helped me add 1000 people to my
business in 3 months." Cindy
"Max taught me to build an organization
of 6,000 people in 6 months." Sara
"12 weeks after working with you, I
had 1900 people in my business." Gary
"You helped me add 1000 people to my
business in 3 months." Cindy
And that's just part of what my Personal "One on One" Coaching
services are all about.
Carpe Diem - Seize the Day!
Warmest regards,
Max Steingart,
The Father of Social Networking
P.S. The next person to register for Personal Coaching
Carpe Diem - Seize the Day!
Warmest regards,
Max Steingart,
The Father of Social Networking
P.S. The next person to register for Personal Coaching
can receive 10 hours with me instead of 6 by taking the
single payment option.
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