These Social Network Changes Can Make You Rich - Webinar 10 PM Tonight
The Social Network changes that have taken place over the last
two weeks will either make your rich or torpedo your efforts.
A picture is worth a thousand words and a webinar is worth a thousand
pictures. So I'd like to invite you to participate in my LIVE - Webinar
tonight so you can see for yourself how you can become RICH when
you know how to use social networking sites properly.
Dozens of new changes and upgrades have taken place on Facebook
and MySpace in the past four weeks that can only be described as
HISTORIC because they make adding one or more new people to your
business a day in less than an hour easier than ever before.
And a lot of fun too.
Join me TONIGHT if you WANT TO KNOW how:
- a 20 year old added 6,000 people to her business in 6 months
- a dance instructor added 1000 people to his business in a week
- a networker added 3000 people to his business in 3 weeks
and You WANT TO DO the same.
You can LOG IN or CALL IN.
Making Big Money on Social Networks,
10:00 PM EDT, Thursday, Oct. 22, 2009
Registration Web Link:
Warmest regards,
Max Steingart
The Father of Social Networking
If you ACT FAST, you can attend my Social Networking Mastery
2.0 Boot Camp at a Special PRE-LAUNCH PRICE. (Save 50%)
To learn more go to:
The first 10 people to register will also receive a 30 minute private
one on one coaching session with me. ( a $250 value )
Simply take the 1 Payment Option, type the Coupon Code
( SAVEIN2009 ) Click Apply and you'll secure your place and save.
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