Be a professional Health Coach......check this out...Jennifer

Hi there Glen,

Just connecting because felt compelled to share about Hilton Johnson productions...

I love what they are doing, and how they are doing it.


They are offering people who are looking for a new career in health

and to make a difference on the a Health Coach

Hilton is a true professional........being a nutritionist, I know for

sure if you want to make a difference for another and do something

that is truly fulfilling, this looks like a very good program. 


If you are interested in Health and helping people, this is a great option......check it out below.....

regarding a complimentary teleconference that I think would appeal to you if

you are in the market for a new direction or an enhancement to what you already


 With smiles and in prosperity




ps.  make sure you stay tuned for the upcoming Great Life E-news....coming on

Monday about "The Swine Flu and H1N1 Vaccine - separating truth from fiction"

And a wonderfu protocol that I use with my clients to support a healthy winter

and strong immune system.......


A Complimentary Health Coaching Seminar

......from Jennifer and Hilton Johnson....

We are pleased to inform you that we have arranged for
you to attend a special complimentary HealthCoach Business
teleconference call with Hilton Johnson.  Hilton is the CEO of and

The event will take place on:

Wednesday, October 21st at 2:00 pm ET (New York Time)  

In this 90-minute call, Hilton will demonstrate (with a volunteer)
one of his company’s health coaching models to show you how easily
health coaching gets results. You will also see, on your computer screen, a
u nique web-based platform that allows health coaches to manage and
professionally coach hundreds of clients at the same time.

HealthCoaching is the fastest growing niche market of all coaching and
presents multiple opportunities for contributing to some of the proposed
improvements being discussed today in health care reform. Coaches are
also paid very well. They earn an average of over $190 per hour coaching
individual clients and some coaches who are conducting group
coaching sessions are earning far more than that.

During this call, Hilton will explain how you might meet the requirements
for being trained and certified as a HealthCoach and start earning coaching
fees in as little as 90-days.

If you would like to attend this timely and important event, you will need to
be on your telephone and your computer at the same time as this is a
teleconference and webinar presentation.

To r egister for this teleconference/webinar event, click on the link below
or copy and paste the link into your browser. Be sure and complete the
entire process so you can receive the e-mail conformation and instructions for
calling in to the call and connecting to the webinar portion of the call.  

In health and success and with many smiles,


The Vital You

159 Hwy 47 RR#3
Stouffville, ON
L4A 7X4

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To update your contact information:


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