much more to say about's a start... xoxo SOS


Have you shared SOUL with a friend today.....join and let's wake up together!

"All I know is that when we remember who we are, it is possible to transcend any issue.  Most long standing issues happen because we are searching for the root cause outside of ourselves."


Hi there good looking.  I am sure all the talk about the Swine Flu has been swirling around your ears too.  For me, the question is not whether I'm going to get it or not......the question is whether I'm going to engage in the stories of its severity or not.  Most would say "don't talk about that, you're giving it energy"!  It depends on what part of it you're giving energy!



SOUL Whispers - 

One way of dealing with possible issues is to act from fear.  There is a totally different way of acting called "inspired action" other words, what action would most soothe you and give you the feeling that you are strong and vital....or more confidence in your body's love for you....or anything else for that matter.  For me, it's just about sleeping, taking care of myself and doing more and more of what I love.......finding ease, isntead of dis-ease.



You know, this coming week I am doing a workshop on MythBusting about Swine Flu.....and creating a Dis-ease Free Personality.  It helps to talk about it.......and to assist others.  What have you been feeling inspired to share with order to assist?  Love and assistance are a sure fire way to get your immune system up.



  Remember who you are.....on that plain there is only dissing........xoxo  The Sister of Soul

ps. make sure you read the Great Life E-news today about the Swine may help....pass it on






November 4th - Jennifer Live at Toronto Botanical Gardens - The Facts About Swine Flu - and Awakening to your Disease Free Personality

October 27th- Get Out of Your Own Way Tele-seminar with Masterpiece Life and Jennifer Hough - to charge! 


Become a Fan:  I would love it if you would become a fan of mine on Facebook........I give out exclusive recordings, deals on upcoming events, and previews of upcoming SOUL Mails!  smiles, Jennifer

Jennifer Hough

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