other peoples' opinions....xoxo SOS


Have you shared SOUL with a friend today.....join and let's wake up together! 

 "If an omnipotent, omniscient Creator of all things thought you were a pretty great idea and important enough to be here....who are you to argue?"  J.Hough


Hey you.....you know, we all have our specific light to shine.  When we compare ourselves to other people, we engage in an exercise that slows us down.  Why?  You were put here to express your own heart's call.......not someone else's version of your dream.  The world is waiting!


SOUL Whispers - 

We forget that our instincts and feelings are OURS because Creation speaks to us through our heart.....not someone elses.  To give energy to someone else's opinion of your actions, is to give energy to what they would do if they were you!  Sometimes you get lucky, and what they think or feel is exactly what you think or feel.   That's just a coincidence....and can be a validating coincidence.   

Let Go of the Oars

Be you...........be the you-est you that you are capable of being.  Do it unapologetically.........and with gusto.  Everyone else will catch up, trust me.  (some kicking and screaming and some willingly)


  You have to shine your light brightly, if you want to ignite other flames! xoxo  The Sister of Soul



Become a Fan:  I would love it if you would become a fan of mine on Facebook........I give out exclusive recordings, deals on upcoming events, and previews of upcoming SOUL Mails!  smiles, Jennifer

Jennifer Hough

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The Vital You

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Stouffville, Ontario
L4A 1X4

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Stouffville, ON
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