only if you judge yourself...... xoxo SOS


Have you shared SOUL with a friend today.....join and let's wake up together! 

 "Wouldn't it be cool if you couldn't get anything wrong....because everything is always evolving.  Well, you can't and it is.  Your ship keeps coming in."  J.Hough


Hi there....I was thinking today about whether we can get anything wrong.  I get a lot of questions about if there is a right path....or if someone has missed their boat and they have to settle for a life that is second best, because they didn't wake up fast enough.  So I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if life loves us, and the Universe is all seeing and all knowing.........your ships keep coming in. (oh, ps.  did you notice the type-o in the quote ship today)


SOUL Whispers - 

It's a relief to know that the Universe has no judgment about the speed at which I do things.  It's also a relief to know that it's ok if how I do things is not the pen-ultimate, totally fast, incredibly world changing way to do things.  Doing things sub-optimally is just a way to cause some contrast that gives me clarity about what is optimal.......and nothing earth quakingly horrible happens in the meantime (except for occassionally in my own mind...and not for long).


Let Go of the Oars

Dance with life, instead of wrestling with it.  That way no one loses and you still get a good work out!


  Are you ready to salsa your way to your divinely perfect imperfection?  Good, I was looking for a juicy journey, not a perfect one.  Then again, I guess that's perfect for me! xoxo  The Sister of Soul


GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY - LIVE AT JENNIFER'S RETREAT - starting November this weekend!  Is it time you woke up to who you really are and began to live in your personal Miracle Zone?  Check it out here.



Become a Fan:  I would love it if you would become a fan of mine on Facebook........I give out exclusive recordings, deals on upcoming events, and previews of upcoming SOUL Mails!  smiles, Jennifer

Jennifer Hough

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