Health Care Update

Dear Policy Patriots -

More than 260,000 Letters to Congress! The NCPA's Policy Patriots are making a difference in the fight against government-run health care. More than a quarter of a million letters have been sent to Congress in the last month. This includes more than 11,000 from Pennsylvania, 25,000 from Texas and 33,000 from California. Policy Patriots from every corner of the country are joining us in our opposition to government-run health care!

Don't Be Fooled: The Fight against Government-Run Health Care is a Marathon - and It's Far From Over! Some members of the media have attempted to characterize government-run health care as a broadly-supported inevitability. This simply isn't the case. Consider these two important facts:

  • More Americans oppose government-run health care than support it. As we discussed last week, Rasmussen Reports has consistently found during the last several months that more Americans oppose health care reform than support it.
  • Congress's ObamaCare To-Do List Remains Lengthy. In order to move government-run health care through Congress, the following must be achieved:
    • First, pass health care reform through the Senate.
    • Second, reconcile the House and Senate proposals.
    • Third, pass the reconciled bill through the House.
    • Fourth, pass the reconciled bill through the Senate.
    Consider just these two roadblocks and remember that Majority Leader Harry Reid needs every Democratic vote:
    • Abortion. Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE) has pledged to oppose any Senate health care bill that includes federal funds for abortions; Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), however, has promised to oppose any bill that doesn't include abortion funding.
    • Public Option. Senator Joe Lieberman (ID-CT) has pledged to oppose any Senate health care bill that includes a public option; Senator Roland Burris (D-IL) has promised to oppose any bill that doesn't include a public option.

So, keep the faith! The proponents of government-run health care want you to believe that ObamaCare is popular and inevitable. Take your encouragement from the truth: as the reality outlined above suggests, ObamaCare is anything but inevitable. Moreover, every week popular support for ObamaCare continues to falls and popular opposition rises.

Support for Government-Run Health Care Reaches All-Time Low! According to this Gallup report, for the first time in the last ten years, more Americans (50%) say providing health care for all is not the government's responsibility. This change is significant considering that just two years ago, Gallup found that more than two-thirds of Americans (69%) supported government responsibility for health care and less than one-third of the country (28%) opposed it. Gallup Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Frank Newport underscored this, saying , "This marks a dramatic shift in these fundamental attitudes."

The Rationing Commission: Limiting Choices, Limiting Care
Unfortunately, exaggerated claims by both proponents and detractors of ObamaCare have led to considerable confusion about rationing. This Wall Street Journal article makes clear, however, that rationing under ObamaCare is real. As outlined in the Senate Finance Bill, the Medicare Commission, a 15-member panel responsible for apportioning Medicare spending, would limit the health care coverage for all Americans, particularly for older Americans. By delaying and limiting health care coverage, Americans will be denied the health care they deserve.

Independent Report Reveals ObamaCare Targets Seniors

A report released Friday by the independent Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimated that under ObamaCare, Medicare Advantage plans would be "decreased by 64 percent (from its projected level of 13.2 million under current law to 4.7 million) under the proposal."

Many seniors still remember President Obama's oft-repeated promise this summer that Americans would be free to keep their health insurance if they liked it. For the 12 million seniors relying on Medicare Advantage, this promise rings hollow in light of current legislation. If Congress passes Obama's health reform legislation, Medicare Advantage beneficiaries will be dropped from that program.

In fact, in several cases ObamaCare has already accomplished the Administration's goal to gut Medicare Advantage. Several insurance companies are already dropping their Medicare Advantage plans in response to Obama's threats to eliminate the program.

FIGHT BACK! Americans deserve better than a health care system that values the interests of the government over the interests of the patient! Tell your Congressional representatives why you oppose government-run health care by sending them an email. Just go to:

A New Letter is Waiting for Your Signature! A letter specifically communicating your opposition to the terrifying possibility of rationing is ready for your review. Just go to the website, follow the steps and send your opinions to Congress!

KEEP YOUR SOLDIERS IN THE TRENCHES! As you know, we're fighting the good fight and accomplishing the results that you and our country needs. We know that times are tough, but if you have $5, $10 or even $20 to give, click on the Donate button or link - we can use the help.

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Thanks for your support! Without you, our success wouldn't be possible!

The NCPA maintains a wealth of educational and resource material including better alternatives to government-run health care:

John Goodman's Health Care Plan:

Health Care Solutions:

Five Steps to a Better Health Care System:

Dr. John Goodman's Blog - Current, up-to date information on the debate:

Heartland Institute's Health Care Solutions:

Thank you again for your support of the "Free Our Health Care NOW!" and for fighting against government-run health care. This is a fight worth fighting and a fight we can win!

Warm regards,

Jeanette Nordstrom
National Center for Policy Analysis

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