Health Issues We should end the tax exclusion for health care and replace it with a standardized tax credit or tax deduction, say Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a former director of the Congressional Budget Office, and Paul Howard, both of the Manhattan Institute... FOX NEWS Government Issues In what western New York calls "political downsizing," communities are voting by referendum to reduce the number of seats on town councils, say observers... USA TODAY International Issues With fewer people than the state of New Jersey, Israel has more companies on the tech-oriented NASDAQ than any country outside the United States -- more than all of Europe, Japan, Korea, India and China combined, say authors Dan Senor and Saul Singer... CNN.COM Energy Issues Great Britain's planned personal carbon allowances are "Orwellian" and will have a detrimental impact on business, says Ruth Lea, an economist from Arbuthnot Banking Group... TELEGRAPH Trade Issues It is imperative that cutting-edge technologies that can aid others and advance development be made available around the world, says the Global Intellectual Property Center... U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Health Issues Vaccine-preventable diseases cause substantial sickness and death and contribute to excess health care spending for medical treatment and hospitalizations, say scientists... AMERICAN COUNCIL ON SCIENCE AND HEALTH | About the DPD NCPA's Daily Policy Digest brings you the most wide-ranging public policy findings five times a week at no charge. DPD knows your time is valuable, so we find and summarize the most topical public policy issues from today's newspapers, magazines, websites, government reports, scholarly journals and think tanks. Visit the DPD Archives Visit the NCPA website | |
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