Health Care Update

Dear Policy Patriots -

Want to hear a little good news? Thanks to the efforts of Policy Patriots just like you, we've sent more than 210,000 letters to Congress in the last three weeks against government run health care. In this public policy war of attrition, a sustained campaign - in the form of hundreds of thousands of letters and a petition supported by 1.34 million Americans - is what will ultimately win the fight against government-run health care. Thanks for your continued support and let's keep up the fight!

Poll Deaf. If you feel ignored by the House of Representatives, you're not alone. A Rasmussen Reports poll this week reaffirmed that more Americans oppose (52%) health care legislation than favor (45%) it. Nevertheless, as last Saturday's legislative spectacle attests, Speaker Pelosi is still singing the health care tune.

Go Directly to Jail. As you know, in the 1,990-page bill that squeaked (220-215) out of the House on Saturday there's plenty of bad policy to fill this letter (and several more). What you may not know is that failing to comply with the new requirements in this legislation could land you in jail - for up to five years!

The most appalling effect of the Affordable Health Care for America Act is the extent of control which the federal government would exercise over individual health care decisions. The legislation requires you to purchase health insurance, whether you need it or want it, and dictates the parameters of your policy. What's more, failure to purchase insurance would result in a slew of fines and, as this letter from the Joint Committee on Taxation makes clear, failure to pay the fines would result in criminal penalties including "a fine of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years."

AARP: Abandoning Seniors, Advancing AARP. In apparent disregard for the interests of senior citizens, the AARP supported the House health care bill, including the following provisions:

  • $500 billion in overall budget cuts for Medicare.
  • $170 billion in budget cuts for Medicare Advantage-the program's entire budget-leaving 12 million American seniors with fewer health care options.
  • A 20% cut in doctor's pay, forcing doctors to take on more patients and spend less time with each person in their care.

Why would the AARP endorse legislation which so clearly hurts the interests of senior citizens? You decide! For facts on how you will be affected by this legislation, click on this link to get the facts.

FIGHT BACK! The next stop on the runaway train known as ObamaCare is the floor of the United States Senate. Help us derail Ms. Pelosi's health care legislation by writing your Senators. The American people deserve better than what's coming down the tracks and you can help put a stop to it. Click on the link below and send a letter to Congress telling them to JUST SAY NO to health care legislation.

Already sent a letter? No problem - a new letter is on the website, ready for your signature!

The NCPA maintains a wealth of educational and resource material including better alternatives to government-run health care:

John Goodman's Health Care Plan:

Health Care Solutions:

Five Steps to a Better Health Care System:

Dr. John Goodman's Blog - Current, up-to date information on the debate:

Heartland Institute's Health Care Solutions:

Thank you again for your support of the "Free Our Health Care NOW!" and for fighting against government-run health care. This is a fight worth fighting and a fight we can win!

Jeanette Nordstrom
National Center for Policy Analysis

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