making peace with thorns....xoxo SOS
Have you shared SOUL with a friend today.....join and let's wake up together! "Everyone has some gift to offer you.....whether you like them or don't like them. Teachers come in all packages." J.Hough Hey there.....had a great conversation with some special people today in the land Victoria, BC. One thing we talked about was someone in our pasts that was quite a thorn in the side to the extreme. We could all spend the rest of our lives complaining and being righteous....and in the end, this gentleman gave us each the gift of being far far more discerning about who we work and play with. He gave us the gift of learning to listen to our hearts long before the cosmic 2 by 4 hits us in the side of the head. SOUL Whispers - When someone show's you their disconnected self, don't believe them. If they are not willing to remember who they really are and find harmony within themselves, t...