
Showing posts from November, 2009

making peace with thorns....xoxo SOS

     Have you shared SOUL with a friend today.....join and let's wake up together!     "Everyone has some gift to offer you.....whether you like them or don't like them.  Teachers come in all packages."  J.Hough     Hey there.....had a great conversation with some special people today in the land Victoria, BC.  One thing we talked about was someone in our pasts that was quite a thorn in the side to the extreme.  We could all spend the rest of our lives complaining and being righteous....and in the end, this gentleman gave us each the gift of being far far more discerning about who we work and play with.  He gave us the gift of learning to listen to our hearts long before the cosmic 2 by 4 hits us in the side of the head.   SOUL Whispers -   When someone show's you their disconnected self, don't believe them.  If they are not willing to remember who they really are and find harmony within themselves, t...

NCPA: Daily Policy Digest 11-30-2009

National Center for Policy Analysis Daily Policy Digest Monday, November 30, 2009 There are more than 500,000 subscribers that receive the Daily Policy Digest. Help us hit 1 million by Forwarding to a Friend. Yes, I want to support Daily Policy Digest and contribute today! Economic Issues THE NANNY FINANCIAL STATE Stripping employees of basic financial advice betrays outright hostility to the concept of individuals managing their own retirement investments, say observers... WALL STREET JOURNAL Health Issues THE SENATE HEALTH BILL: THE TRUE COSTS ARE UNKNOWN There are four outrageous budget tricks contained in Harry Reid's massive new health care bill, say observers... HERITAGE FOUNDATION Taxes KILLING THE DEATH TAX Permanently ending the estate tax would lift a tremendous weight off the shoulders of America's family-owned businesses, create jobs for out-of-work Americans, and help the ailing ...

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[VIDEO] how to get 734,185 visitors to your site, FREE!

Hey, what's happening? A couple of weirdo underground guys who i've never heard of before have just shown me a CRAZY VIDEO that shows them pulling in 734,185 visitors into their website, all completely for FREE (with zero advertising costs )! SEE THE PROOF VIDEO & HOW TO GET FREE TRAFFIC YOURSELF HERE: ==> ========================= SCREW PAYING FOR TRAFFIC! ========================= They went on to tell me that ARTICLE MARKETING is still an amazingly effective way to get HIGHLY *targeted visitors* to your website without paying for traffic... The only problem with writing articles is that it takes a HUGE amount of time to write all those articles.. ..and unless you LOVE writing more than anything else in the world, it's quickly going to become a giant energy suck on your time, dragging you down into a pit of total burnout... (when you could be watching America's Got Talent on TV or cliping your toenails) If only...

not so strange acquaintances....xoxo SOS

     Have you shared SOUL with a friend today.....join and let's wake up together!     "You knew exactly who your family would be before you got here.....and you soon found out, that most of them weren't biologically related to you!"  J.Hough     Hey there.....this video made my heart smile.  Give it a watch.   It's all about a dog and a orangutan who seem to be long lost friends.  So inspiring and heart warming....and much like many of us are feeling about the people and friends we are making these days.  Some real soul to soul connections.   SOUL Whispers -   Now is the time to keep your eyes out for all of the people that made a deal to cheerlead, support and unconditionally love you......because we are all looking for each other.  Bet you've already found a few!  There is an unexplainable familiarity and instant affinity, and yet in this lifetime, you've never met.     Let Go...

warning....fellow nutritionists may self destruct....xoxo SOS

     Have you shared SOUL with a friend today.....join and let's wake up together!     "Imagine that the only reason your brain even has the idea to live out a dream, is because your higher self already has it done!  So little work, so much time (to experience the blossoming of the inevitable)."  J.Hough     Hey you.....yes it is true.  It seems that the sense of urgency to live our dreams is increasing for most people I know.  We are having more and more brilliant ideas. Sometimes it can be overwhelming as to where to start.....if you forget that you are not the General Manager of the Universe, that is.     SOUL Whispers -     Your greater knowing, your higher self, already knows 100 ways to deliver your dreams....and all you have to do is engage life, and say yes to the inspired action that comes your way.   It's like dancing with the inevitable unfolding dream of your life. ...

It's Not Your Fault

Hi there, Making a good living online really isn't rocket science... You already got what it takes... Even if you don't know it yet... The simplest and easiest way to get started, hands down, is to sell products from Clickbank... => The beauty of selling Clickbank products is you don't need to go the time, trouble and expense of creating your own product... That saves you a TON of time and hassle, and you can become profitable that much faster... You just select from dozens of top-selling products in all the hottest niches around... But... You have no doubt seen (and probably purchased) tons of CB "how-to" courses and products claiming to teach you how to make HUGE $$$ with Clickbank. Well, for the first time ever, Soren and Cindy have taken it to the next level... Instead of trying to TEACH you how they make massive Clickbank commissions and leaving you to try to emulate their methods, they have actually crea...

NCPA: Daily Policy Digest 11-25-2009

National Center for Policy Analysis Daily Policy Digest Wednesday, November 25, 2009 There are more than 500,000 subscribers that receive the Daily Policy Digest. Help us hit 1 million by Forwarding to a Friend. Yes, I want to support Daily Policy Digest and contribute today! Global Warming THERE'S TIME TO GET CLIMATE POLICY RIGHT By removing taxpayer subsidies for fuel use and eliminating regulatory barriers to nuclear power and biotechnology, we can decrease CO2 emissions right away, say H. Sterling Burnett, a senior fellow, and James Franko, a legislative assistant, both the with National Center for Policy Analysis... WASHINGTON EXAMINER Trade Issues IS THE U.S. "THE MOST OPEN MARKET IN THE WORLD"? NOT EVEN CLOSE Despite claims by U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, the United States has slipped to the 28th most open market in the world, says author Daniel Griswold... MADABOUTTRADE.WORDPRESS.COM/CA...

Health Care Update

Dear Policy Patriots - The battle over health care reform is far from over! Don't be deceived by the backslapping, high-fiving and TV posturing of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and his colleagues. Right now, they don't have 60 votes to pass anything - and YOU are the reason why! In less than six weeks, you and other NCPA Policy Patriots have sent almost 300,000 letters to Congress in opposition to government-run health care. In California, Sens. Boxer and Feinstein have received more than 13,000 of your letters. In Nevada, Sen. Reid has gotten 750 letters. Your voice is making a difference in the health care debate! KEEP FIGHTING BACK! Americans deserve better than a health care system that values the interests of the government over the interests of the patient! Tell your Congressional representatives why you oppose government-run health care by sending them an email. And follow up as often as you like. Just go to: http://www.capitolconnect...

warning....fellow nutritionists may self destruct....xoxo SOS

     Have you shared SOUL with a friend today.....join and let's wake up together!     "Are there good foods or bad foods?  As a nutritionist who loves quantum physics, I feel guided to say 'only if you say so'."  J.Hough     Hi there sunshine.  I ate a lot of chocolate today.  Oh ya, a lot.  I know there must be a God, because that stuff is gooooood.  There came a point in my munching that I noticed I was judging the poor innocent molecules of brown stuff and thought to myself 'you really don't deserve this judgment'. Then it hit me.........   SOUL Whispers -   Interesting how  ice cream, chips, cake, sweet stuff, creamy stuff, rich stuff and all the stuff that tastes yummy, are called "treats".  Ironically  in the same breath, say that we should only have a little.  Why?  Because these so called blessedly delicious foods, are also called "bad for you".  Wow, n...

NCPA: Daily Policy Digest 11-24-2009

National Center for Policy Analysis Daily Policy Digest Tuesday, November 24, 2009 There are more than 500,000 subscribers that receive the Daily Policy Digest. Help us hit 1 million by Forwarding to a Friend. Yes, I want to support Daily Policy Digest and contribute today! Health Issues IS A TAX ON "CADILLAC" PLANS FAIR? Taxing wealthy Americans to pay for health care -- as the House bill would do -- is bad for the economy because it would take money out of the system that could be used to invest in growing businesses, says economist John C. Goodman, President, CEO and the Kellye Wright Fellow of the National Center for Policy Analysis... ASSOCIATED PRESS Health Issues HARVARD STUDY USES QUESTIONABLE METHODOLOGY, SAY CRITICS Like unemployment, uninsurance happens to many people for short periods of time, says John C. Goodman, President, CEO and the Kellye Wright Fellow of the National Center for Policy Analy...