RE: MD Lists

Spesial Med Package 395.00
Complete Physician Database 788,114 in total * 17,482 emails
Coverage in many different areas of medicine such as Endocrinology,
Pathology, Urology, Neurology, Plastic Surgery, Psychiatry, Cardiology and much more

Also included are the 6 bonus listed below:

1=7145 Hospitals*23,000 Administrators with Ph/fax and postal address.
2=Licensed Clinic/Dentist 597,959 Total Records*6,494 Emails*6,000 Fax Numbers.
3=US Pharmaceutical Company 47,000 employees in high-ranking positions
Executive's Directory Names and email addresses of
4=Chiropractors*108,421 with phone, 3,414 emails and 6,553 fax numbers.
5=Acupuncture Database 23,988 records 1,826 emails
6=Alternative Medicine Clinics and Practitioners Database
There are 1,141,602 total records with 29,320 emails and 38.935 fax numbers.

For a datacard reply here

contact for record exclusion.


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