Health Care Update! Call your U.S. Senators toll-free and tell them to vote against any legislation that promotes government-run health care

Dear Policy Patriots -

Thank you for your support of the Free Our Health Care NOW! campaign to fight against government-run health care.

What part will you play in the fight for American health care during December?

YOUR MISSION: To call your U.S. Senators and tell them to vote against any legislation that promotes government-run health care.

Click here, sign in, and you will have an opportunity to call your U.S. Senators offices toll-free so that you can share your views with them.

When you speak with your Senators, you may want to tell them:

  • "Don't support a bill that requires me to buy very expensive health insurance that I may not be able to afford."
  • "Don't support a bill that threatens me with fines and imprisonment if I do not buy government-mandated health insurance."
  • "Don't support a bill that leads to health care rationing, possibly denying me care that doctors think I should have."

In this letter, you'll find receive an up-to-the-minute update on the health care fight as well as responsible health care solutions proposed by the NCPA. Please consider taking part in the fight:

  • Forward this letter to a friend. Unfortunately, too many Americans don't know what's taking place on Capitol Hill. Please send this letter to your friends and family. Encourage them to join the campaign by visiting
  • Call Congress. If you'd rather bend your Rep's ear, you can! Just click here and you can be talking to Congress in less than five minutes!
  • Write Congress. Policy Patriots have sent more than 308,000 emails to Congress. To write your Rep, click here. A letter to your Congressional representatives expressing your concerns is waiting for your signature.
  • Donate to the cause. Make your tax-deductible contribution and help us continue fighting government-run health care. Fighting government-run health care is expensive and we need your help. Just click this link or send your contribution to:

    National Center for Policy Analysis
    P.O. Box 650098
    Dallas, Texas 75265-0098

You probably won't be surprised to learn that 53% of Americans oppose government-run health care!

Government-run health care is unpopular for good reason:

  • Since February 2009, Americans have said that deficit reduction should be the President's number one priority. Yet Congress and the White House continue to lobby for a health care agenda that will hurt more Americans than it helps.
  • Government-run health care will lower quality for most Americans. Americans will receive less preventative medicine including fewer mammograms, MRIs, colonoscopies, Pap smears and a myriad of other procedures designed to identify illness early.
  • Government-run health care will marginalize seniors. Under government-run health care, senior citizens will lose $400 billion in Medicare benefits and every senior (more than 12 million!) who currently enjoys Medicare Advantage will be kicked off its rolls.
  • Government-run health care will reduce choice for most Americans. Americans will have less choice about what doctors treat them, what medicine they ingest, what tests they access and what surgeries they deserve. Under government-run health care, most Americans won't have a choice about what their insurance policies cover.
  • Government-run health care will increase cost for most Americans. The taxpayers who bear the costs of government-run health care won't be limited to the über-rich. For instance: a 26-year-old will receive a 200% tax increase! Under government-run health care, Americans will pay significantly more in taxes and premiums.

It's not only frustrating to see the bad things that current reform proposals will do. It's just as frustrating to read about the ideas left out of the legislation. Consider these:

  • Reform of medical malpractice law. Per decade, the absence of tort reform costs Americans an estimated $500 billion. Incredibly, neither the House nor Senate versions of government-run health care attempt tort reform because, as Howard Dean openly acknowledges, Congress doesn't want "to take on the trial lawyers."
  • Simplify health insurance. Federal regulations currently prohibit Americans from purchasing health insurance across state lines. By opening the market, Americans could enjoy greater choice, higher quality and lower cost. Despite this, Congress has quashed the idea because real market competition would obviate the need for a public option.
  • Reform the tax structure. Every year, the federal government forgoes $250 billion in revenue because of the way that the IRS taxes health care benefits. By addressing inefficiencies in the tax code, the federal government could save billions and effectively expand coverage. Even on tax reform, however, politics has gotten in the way of Congress making meaningful headway toward a better, fairer structure.

FIGHT BACK! Americans deserve real health care reform. Government-run health care is a threat to the quality, choice and cost of the health care YOU enjoy! Tell your Congressional representatives why you oppose government-run health care by sending them an email. Go to:

The NCPA maintains a wealth of educational and resource material including better alternatives to government-run health care:

John Goodman's Health Care Plan:

Health Care Solutions:

Five Steps to a Better Health Care System:

Dr. John Goodman's Blog - Current, up-to date information on the debate:

Heartland Institute's Health Care Solutions:

Thank you again for your support and for fighting against Government-run health care. This is a fight worth fighting and a fight we can win!

Warm regards,

Jeanette Nordstrom
National Center for Policy Analysis

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