doing what presents is, well, you know.....xoxo SOS


Have you shared SOUL with a friend today.....join and let's wake up together! 

"Doing what you are called to do, isn't always rational. Your mind may not like it....and your heart and spirit will soar."  J. Hough

Hi there Glen - did you know we are on the second day of the 12 days of 'Kiss Much' as I like to call it.  So this is the Day 2 SOUL Mail (I'm also doing it on my fanpage on F-a-c-e Book - it).  I felt called to do that.  Fourteen days straight of living the "bring it on life, show me" kind of we go......


SOUL Whispers I decided to go for a walk this morning despite multitudes of other things that my 'should' mind was telling me to.  Now 10 years ago,  I would have done the 'shoulds' first....and here's what happened because I did what I was called to do: I saw a fox 30 feet away from me and it was gorgeous, I saw 3 wild turkeys, 2 red cardinals and not a single partridge nor pear tree.  I had so much energy to do all the other things that were on my list.  The walk also inspired this E-wakening message. 


Let Go of the OarsWhat if your only job was to show up and engage life fully.   What if while buying presents, you sang?  What if while paying bills, you played music?  What if after working your regular job, you took a class that inspires you?  What if you started parking a mile away from all of your destinations just so you could walk and get air (or skip)?  What if you ACTUALLY smiled and said hi to everyone you passed just because?


  Isn't it amazing how quickly the world can change, through such small simple things?     xoxoxo The Sister of Soul


Ps.  Tuesday Night the 15th.......The Master's of Awakening - I'm honoured to be a part of this....and it is f-r-e-e to all SOUL participants....check it out.  

©December 2009 - Jennifer Hough


Dec 28-Jan 3 - A New Year's Experience that will pemanently shift you toward living your most unlimited life - with 3 masters of Costa Rica.  Check this out! - room for 1 more couple


Jan 24th - The Love Expanding Relationship Course with Joe and Jennifer

Email Jeannie for more information at !  a 1 day intensive that will change your view of relationships and open you up to ease and flow in every way.  Here is all the information about this event!



Soul Radio With Jennifer Hough

 - Download or listen to - Transcending Anxiety in Times of Great Change -




Become a Fan:  We are doing the 12 Days of Kiss Much live and interactive on F-a-c-e Book as we speak....come join!  xoxoox jennifer

Jennifer Hough

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