Self-Made Home-Based Multi-Millionaire Reveals The Secret To His Online Success

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report
- Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Publisher: Glen Brink
Self-Made Home-Based Multi-Millionaire Reveals The
Secret To His Online Success

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
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I've worked at home for over 30 years now. And for over 30
years I've been keenly interested in ANYTHING that will help
me increase my home-based profits. Over the years I've
found and profited from many superb tools. But now I'm
profiting from one transcending mega tool that has increased
my profits dramatically: interactivity, the ability for my
customers to talk to me and for me to talk to them, ALL

How Would You Feel About Being Ignored The Next
Time You Go Shopping?

Listen carefully the next time folks talk about their
experiences with workers, retail employees, and others
who have customer service functions. You'll hear one
horror story after another about customer service
that isn't.

Now consider your website.

When a visitor comes to your site can you greet her
and let her know you're available to assist?

Can you answer her questions?

Can you properly direct her to what she wants?

Can you make offers and take orders?

Chances are you've answered NO to every one of
these crucial questions. So, your customer service
is as deficient as any you have ever criticized by others.

The Vital Importance Of Interactivity To Your
Customers... And Your Bottom Line.

The plain fact of the matter is that folks insist upon
cracker jack customer service whether they're doing
business online or off. That's why not offering interactive
options is downright perverse. People expect superior
customer service, and they're going to punish the firms
which fail to provide it.

By contrast, what happens when you DO go interactive?
As I can personally attest, your profits soar -- starting
at once.

So, What Happens When You Can't Work Your
Customers Personally?

Here's the problem. The Internet is open for business
24/7. You are human. You need rest and time off. So,
how does this problem get solved?

A go-ahead Canadian company called Worldprofit, Inc.
offers a revolutionary solution. They've created what they
call the LIVE Business Center and staffed it with trained
professionals 24 hours a day. When you want to work
all your site traffic yourself, you press a button. When
you want what they call the Monitors to work that
traffic, you hit the same button. And so it goes, thus
ensuring you 24 hour a day coverage without the cost
of hiring additional staff. Amazing!

Without Interactivity You're Dead

Face it, complaining about other companies' poor
service when you are yourself severely remiss in
that department is unacceptable. Interactivity, the
ability to talk to all your customers and enable them
to talk to you, is the key to superior customer service
and the profits that follow. Interactivity is what
changes your website from what is essentially a
bulletin board to what is undeniably a vibrant
international emporium with the profts to prove it.
Once you've got it, you'll wonder how you ever
did without it. Take my word for it.

Resource Box

A good place to look for affordable interactive options
is Worldprofit. This well-known company offers a Free
Membership. Use it to review your options and,
because they're interactive, talk to real people about
what works best for you. Start at

About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is one of the best-
known marketers on earth. Dr. Lant's free online webcasts
draw people worldwide who want to profit on the Internet
every day. If that's your objective, go to and attend today's
program as Dr. Lant's guest.

Glen Brink - President & Worldprofit Dealer


(C) 2008 All Rights Reserved.


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