The Internet's become a cesspool. So, who's helping the decent people profit? Read this and see!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report
- Friday, May 16, 2008
Publisher: Glen Brink
The Internet's become a cesspool. So, who's helping the decent people profit?

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
To get more articles and talk to our LIVE staff in the member
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I've been on the Internet since 1994, so that makes me a cyber-pioneer.
I remember the thrill and the tremendous sense of unlimited promise
that permeated those early days. People felt they were launching a
grand device for universal improvement, and they were proud of it.

Since then, despite the amazing universalization of the 'net, this
glorious promise has dimmed.

Turn on your email at any hour of the day or night, and you'll find
waves of filth and vulgarity. The unseemly has become common,
as we all become hardened to the unending obscenities that
rightly affront decent people and corrupt all of us.

Even worse than the filth, there are the predators -- sexual and
financial. And beyond that the terrorists who use this tool to
plot ways to kill, maim, and destroy, for reasons often casual and

What went wrong? How did the Internet go from being the
white hope of humanity only 14 years ago to being something which
perfectly intelligent and rational people now say they wish had never been
invented in the first place?

And what can you do about it anyway?

One Solution: Decent People Helping Decent People

We all know that technology is neutral; it can be used for good and
evil. However, to make it work for right, good, decent people must be
willing to take action. Good never triumphs without decent people
seeing the problem and taking the necessary action to deal with it.

One such group of people can be found right this minute at
Worldprofit's LIVE Business Center. This technology was invited by
George Kosch, chief technical officer for Edmonton, Alberta-based
Worldprofit Inc.

Kosch invented a system which enabled people worldwide to
come to a central place where they could get assistance from
LIVE folks called 'Monitors' 24/7. This in itself is revolutionary.
Wake up in Nairobi, log in, get instant business assistance
from trained Monitors who are available to help you on demand.

But unprecedented as Kosch's technology is, it's how it's being
used that makes the most significant -- and hopeful -- statement.

Worldprofit has turned the LIVE Business Center over to
actual, real people who come up for 2 hours a week each to
assist all comers. When you go there you deal with folks like
you, real everyday people who are using the Internet to grow
their businesses and profit in legitimate ways. There are no scams,
no predators, no filth, no terrorists. Just good, decent,
everyday people putting their online business knowledge to
work for every single person who logs in during their on air
consulting stint. And this goes on 24 hours a day, day in,
day out.

These people, and there are more of them every single day,
are in the business of being helpful, professional, and, yes,
humane and kind, virtues which must be exercised or they
will be lost forever.

If You Are Trying To Use The Internet Legitimately To
Make Extra Money, Come See For Yourself

If you've been disgusted by the progressive decline of online
standards and have a desire to run a legitimate online business
and profit with the assistance of decent people from all
over the world, take action now.

Resource Box

A good place to look for affordable interactive options
is Worldprofit. This well-known company offers a Free
Membership. Use it to review your options and,
because they're interactive, talk to real people about
what works best for you. Start at

About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is one of the best-
known marketers on earth. Dr. Lant's free online webcasts
draw people worldwide who want to profit on the Internet
every day. If that's your objective, go to and attend today's
program as Dr. Lant's guest.

Glen Brink - President & Worldprofit Dealer


(C) 2008 All Rights Reserved.


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