Health Care Update - LET'S FINISH THE FIGHT!

Dear Policy Patriots -

Half Way There! Thanks to your support, we're half way toward reaching our goal of $54,000. With your support, we'll have the means necessary to implement our three-pronged strategy for finishing the fight against government-run health care.

You can support the NCPA's campaign against government-run health care by giving here.

Health Policy Update: The Battle [Behind Closed Doors] Continues. You may have noticed that White House officials have started talking a lot about banking reform and economic recovery. There's a reason for that: the unpopularity of government-run health care.

Don't Be Fooled! NCPA President Dr. John Goodman was exactly right in his recent Health Alert when he wrote, "Democrats will not try to go into the fall election empty-handed." On Capitol Hill, health care negotiations continue unabated. Consider the following:

  • Fact #1: The Senate Doesn't Have to Vote Again on Health Care. The Senate approved government-run health in its now-infamous Christmas Eve vote. The only thing preventing government-run health care is the Pelosi-led House of Representatives.
  • Fact #2: House Moderates Want Safety. Voter ire has moderate House Democrats fearful. While at the moment they want to stop talking about health care, at some point House moderates will have to decide whether to pass legislation and defend it before the voters or abandon it and apologize for the colossal waste of time. Pelosi will make the case to House moderates that the safest course is to show strength, not contrition.
  • Fact #3: House Liberals Want Change. Months of delay have liberal House Democrats feeling betrayed. Despite Senate foot-dragging, they know that they're closer than ever before to realizing the dream of government-run health care. Pelosi will make the case to House liberals that the wisest course is to cut a deal with the Senate.
  • Fact #4: The Senate Can Pass a Clean-Up Measure with 51 Votes. Senate Majority leader Harry Reid holds an ace up his sleeve: a reconciliation vote. If the House passes the Senate version of government-run health care, the Senate could subsequently pass separate, modifying legislation with only 51 votes. All it takes for that plan to work is Pelosi convincing House moderates that it's safe and House liberals that it's wise.

What You Have Done So Far: Since last June, the National Center for Policy Analysis has been fighting government-run health care. With your help, we've put into place programs that have educated more than 16 million Americans on the dangers of government-run health care, garnered more than 1.35 million signatures for the Free Our Health Care NOW! petition and sent 500,000 emails and placed 10,000 phone calls to Congress from Policy Patriots like you!

Since the beginning, our passion has been to protect you and your family against government-run health care and our motto has remained: We're fighting against government-run health care like our lives depend on it for one simple reason: for many of us, they do. You deserve the best health policy and we fight to make sure that you have it. We also know that without your support, our accomplishments would not be possible. So from all of us at the NCPA, thank you.

LET'S FINISH THE FIGHT! We've come along way together in the last eight months and for the first time we've got a fighting chance to stop government-run health care. We didn't start this fight, but now it's time for us to finish it. Here's how:

  • The First Punch: Contact the Stupak Supporters. Sixty-four House Democrats supported the Stupak (abortion) amendment - legislation that doesn't exist in the Senate version and is unlikely to make it through on reconciliation. As such, these House members might vote against government-run health care if convinced.
  • The Shot to the Body: Write the Disloyal Opposition. Sixteen House Democrats opposed the overall bill but voted for it on partisan lines. They're ripe for well-placed letters, phone calls, emails and member visits.
  • The Knock-Out Blow: Collar the Blue Dogs. Eleven House Democrats are self-described moderates. While they supported the bill during Round 1, Round 15 is getting close-and they may be ready for a change we can believe in.

To implement this three-prong strategy, however, we need your support. You've taken us half way there; now we need the rest so that we can beat back government-run health care!

Remember: IT AIN'T OVER! The headlines are encouraging, but the proponents of government-run health care still have power and are trying to convince their colleagues that the American people really aren't as upset as all that. Congress needs to hear your voice:

  • Enter your personal information and click TAKE ACTION!
  • You can write a letter or make a phone call. You can do either; both are important!

Thank you for your continued support of the NCPA.

Warm regards,

Jeanette Nordstrom
National Center for Policy Analysis

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