FW: �530 members and $40,000 + in the last 24 hours ? the pace is increasing?

FW:  530 members and $40,000 + in the last 24 hours – the pace is increasing…

I wanted to forward you this email
I just got from David Wood -
our growth pace just expanded, and
more is coming….

Read it.

And get in.

- Glen Brink

—–start of forwarded email—-

The other day I was on the phone
with David Sharpe, as we were
hiring more customer support
staff to cope with the onslaught
of growth… 

…and while I was on the phone,
we crossed the 5,000 paid member

That was a hallmark already -
building a team of 5,000 PAID
affiliates in just 2 short weeks… 

…there’s more, though.

Some people are seeing Empower
Network as just another ‘launch’. 

See what it really is here:

Usually, launches have two spikes
of orders – on launch day is usually
the biggest – and then the majority
of growth happens in spurts and theres’
another rush of orders around week two… 

…there’s something different happening
here, though… 

…the pace is just constantly increasing. 

We’ve been adding in 300 to 400 people
per day for about two weeks… 

…today, though, something amazing

I didn’t even send an email, and we had
530 paid members come on board. 

These are not leads. 

Getting 530 leads in one day is hard…

…these ARE NOT leads…

…these are PAID signups.

See the video that sparked it all here:

Here is a list of people that have put
there name behind the Empower Network: 

Tracey Walker
Jaime Soriano
Raven Starre
Nick Bramble
Lawrence Tam
Toby and Layla Black
Ed from Ohio
Jon Mroz
Kris Darty
Rob Fore
Stephanie Deneke
Bob Anderson
The MLM Brothers
Chris Rocheleau
Brandon Koon
Aaron Rashkin 
* there’s more.

A LOT more.

Join here:

Here’s a list of people that have earned over
$1,000 from one product… 

…and this is less than 1/3rd of the total commission
payout (our smallest price point – this is in two
weeks) Here they are:


This is NOT all of the people who have
made over $1,000 – this is just what they’ve
made from a $25 product…

It’s easier to make money when you’re
getting 100% commissions… 

…In fact, we’ve now paid out $720,474.20
in direct commissions, instantly in your
bank account… 

…and we have a structured PLAN to
grow our company by more than four
times in the next 30 days. 

…this is NOT a launch - this is a revolution. 

There’s a difference.

In other words, my goal in the next 30
days, is to help you earn an additional
$2,881,896.80 in the next four weeks… 

…but I can’t do that unless you get in,
and run with us. 

When has an affiliate company EVER
paid out $720,474.20 in two weeks? 
If you see it, join here NOW:

Here’s what you’re going to get if you
get in, right now: 

1.  A viral blogging platform, setup
instantly for you – so easy to use… 

…your Grandma could do it. 

2.  An integrated capture page (no
setup required) that’s converting
traffic to leads at 50% – all you have
to do is get traffic. 

…you keep the leads. 

3.  A sales video that’s converting
an initial offer at over 25%, and an
upsell that’s converting at 50% to
a $100 per month membership, and
another 50% of that to a one time
$500 video course… you don’t have
to make the video, you don’t have
to host it, and… 

….you keep ALL the money. 

4.  You keep the leads in your own
autoresponder, because I know you
want to – and in addition, I’ll use my
jedi email skills to close your people
for you – I’ll pay the autoresponder
bill for that one (you can pay for
your own if you want) and when I
close your sales… 

…you keep ALL the money. 

5.  We’re interviewing the best people
in the Empower Network, and putting
2-3 hours of audio interviews back in
the inner circle each week – you can
learn on autopilot in your car… and
we’ll train your team for you.  You
don’t need to train them, and… 

…you keep ALL the money.

6.  Every day – we’re going to create
an action plan, and post it on the front
blog, and email it to your whole team.
You can use our emails, copy our
campaigns, keep all the leads, and
build your business on the back end, and… 

…how much do you keep?

ALL of it.

I have a vision - and I believe we can
get our site to be in the top 150 websites
online within the next 60-90 days, but
to do that, I need your help. 

I want to pay out more money than
any affiliate company ever has in history… 

…in the next six months.

I want to empower an army of part time
people, to quit their stupid, low paying

…and live on the beaches of the world.

We can add 1,000 people per day in
the next 30 days, and when we do… 

…you will never see money paid out
like this, ever, to any group of people
in the world… 

…and the best part?

You don’t have to create anything.

You don’t need to manage anything.

You don’t need to setup anything.

Let us do that for you.

You just need a bank that your
money can deposit in, and there’s
one more thing you need to do… 

…stop sitting on the sidelines.

…STOP being a wussy.

….and make a decision.

Let’s do it:

-David Wood

P.S.  I’m creating a direct marketing
‘monster‘ gameplan to scale this thing
out to 1,000,000 people, starting with
the 30,000 that we’re going to get this

First, get in.

Second, go through the Fast Start Training. 

Third,  watch the Empower Network
members only list like a HAWK for
the next 30 days. 

What I do, you do.

If I write an email - copy, paste, and send
it.  (the same with David Sharpe) 

If you don’t have a list – post it as a facebook
note, blog about it on your Empower Network
blog, and share it with your email contacts
on your personal list. 

If I send a voice message out – I’ll put ‘voice
message’ swipe that you can copy, paste,
and broadcast… 

If I blog every day, you blog every day. 

If I do a direct mail campaign – I’ll give you
‘direct mail swipe’ – just copy, paste, and mail,
just like we do on the internet. 

If I make a video, copy the code, embed it
on your own sites, and email it to your

Together we are more powerfull. 

Unified we are gracefull.

And always remember this - that I will
be here leading by example. 

And it’s more powerful to be unified
than it is to be right. 

I may not be easy to get ahold of, until
you have value to bring. 

But I will ALWAYS be here.

Leading the way - to show you a brighter
future – and if I could give you ONE thing,
it’s the ability to be my equal. 

No strings.

No Bull.

Just the same comp plan I have.

You are my equal here.


…you can make more money than

Don’t be a wussy - let’s lock arms…

…and fight the forces of evil.

Join HERE:


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