What it really takes to run a profitable home business online. Famous entrepreneur tells.

SharingProfitStrategies.com's Home Business Report
- Sunday, April 27, 2008
Publisher: Glen Brink
Publishers Note: Millions of people worldwide want to make
extra money with their own home-based Internet business.
Sadly, these folks overwhelmingly fail when they try to do
business online. To help them, we sought out one of the
world's most well-known business authorities, Dr. Jeffrey Lant.

We found Dr. Lant in his home office right across the
street from Harvard University, from which he has 2 degrees
and overlooking the spot where General George Washington
took command of the Continental Army in 1775.

Q: Dr. Lant, how long have you been a home-based
entrepreneur, and how long have you been advising
people how to profit online?

Dr. Lant: I've been advising folks how to succeed in
small and home businesses and nonprofit organizations
for over 30 years and have focused on assisting people
succeed online in their home business since 1994.

Q: What's the first thing a home-based entrepreneur
should do when deciding to make money online?

Dr. Lant: Candidly, the first thing these entrepreneurs
must do is realize that in all important aspects there is
no difference between running an online and an offline
business. Both are BUSINESSES and must be approached

Many 'net newbies have the crazy notion that you
can just post information online while waiting to
bank the profits. Online businesses take the same
focus and dedication as offline businesses.

Q: What next?

Dr. Lant: Get a domain. The Internet is a domain-
structured environment. That is, you must have your
own domain if you expect to build a profitable

Lots of newbies get confused by this. They join
a business opportunity, and get a self-replicating
website. Then they think they've got a domain.
Of course they don't! Domains are real estate
that you own. YOU determine how big they get;
YOU determine what goes on them. In all senses
they are YOUR property and must be treated
as such.

Q: After you get your domain, what then?

Dr. Lant: THINK BIG! The average home-based
entrepreneur is a small thinker. They are trying
to sell just one or a very few products or services.
This is fine if you want minimum profits, but if
you're ambitious you must take what you're selling
today and brainstorm what other products your
customers will want. Go to Google, and start searching
for additional, related products. At all times, focus
on building, adding, diversifying and expanding
your site and what you sell.

Q: Dr. Lant, we have time for just one more
piece of good advice. What does every home-
based entrepreneur need on their website that
they don't have?

Dr. Lant: In a word, INTERACTIVITY!

The first stage of the 'net was where folks
posted a passive website. That was great at
the time, but time has definitely moved on.
Now your customers want you to give them
superior customer service, not just a 'contact us'

You need to be able to greet your visitors,
answer their questions, make offers, take
orders and build relationships. This can only
be done with interactivity. ALL home-based
entrepreneurs need it, since interactivity
dramatically increases profits.

Q: As always, Dr. Lant, good, sound
advice. Thanks for sharing.

Dr. Lant: My pleasure.


For more straight talk on maximizing Internet
success, Dr. Lant offers all readers a FREE COPY
of his 17th book:

'A Self-Made Internet Multi-Millionaire Tells You EXACTLY

How To Make Money Online Every Single Day'

This is a $24.95 retail value.

To get yours, go to http://www.SharingProfitStrategies.com

About The Author

Author of 17 best-selling business books and hundreds of
practical articles, Dr. Jeffrey Lant is one of the
world's best known and most respected marketers
and business development authorities. He
now focuses on helping people worldwide profit online
and invites you to attend his FREE public programs
on how to maximize your online success and avoid
costly pitfalls. To get a complete program schedule,
go to http://www.SharingProfitStrategies.com

Glen Brink - President SharingProfitStrategies.com & Worldprofit Dealer

Email: glenbrink@yahoo.com
URL: http://www.SharingProfitStrategies.com

(C) SharingProfitStrategies.com 2008 All Rights Reserved.


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