ETR: These 5 Words Could Change Your Life

Early To Rise
Dear ETR Reader,

Could you use a hotshot business partner? A superstar employee? How about a new job for yourself? A wealthy investor? A publisher for your novel? Today, Michael Masterson lets you in on one simple question to ask anyone who's in a position to help you. It has the power to stop them in their tracks... and get them to pay serious attention to you.

- Suzanne Richardson
ETR Managing Editor


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Power and Persuasion

Automatic Wealth

Confessions of a Self-Made Multi-Millionaire

Total Health Breakthroughs

Issue# 2731

  • WEALTHY: 5 words that could change your life (Michael Masterson)

  • HEALTHY: Unexpected side effects of cutting calories (Jonny Bowden)
  • WISE: Arthur Conan Doyle on having the right contacts


  • A cornerstone for success - as long as you don't take it too far (Matt Furey)
  • It's Good to Know... about a big no-no on a job application
  • Add "invincible" to your vocabulary

* Highly Recommended *

How to Pull "Small" Stacks of Cash - $5K - $10K a Pop - from the Market Each Week

If you feel like you've gotten the short end of the stick in the stock market... it's probably true.

Good trades here and there... Other trades that wound up costing you big... If you're lucky, you wind up breaking even.

All the while, the Wall Street elite keep getting richer.

One former Wall Street insider discovered how the "fat cats" wound up with wealth beyond anything an Average Joe could imagine.

You can piggy-back on their success using his "road map to riches."

There's one catch: You can "only" pull out "small" stacks of cash - no more than $5K to $10K at a time.

Get your free report on this low-risk strategy right here.

"Skill is fine, and genius is splendid, but the right contacts are more valuable than either."

- Arthur Conan Doyle

The "Passkey" That Can Get You In With Hollywood Big-Wigs, Fortune 500 CEOs, Famous Authors, and More

By Michael Masterson

If you could grab the attention of one very influential person... who would it be? And how could making that connection change your life?

From my own experience, I can tell you that knowing how to connect with the right people can...

  • Get you a job. This is how our very own Managing Editor Suzanne Richardson got hired at ETR - despite the fact that I'd never met her in person, and she lived in New York rather than Florida.
  • Send your company soaring to new heights. If I hadn't known MaryEllen Tribby through a few other marketers, I might never have known she was the perfect pick for ETR's CEO... and ETR wouldn't have skyrocketed from an $8 million business to a $26 million business in just two years.
  • Expand your marketing reach, grow your customer list, and add millions in sales to your bottom line. The relationships ETR has formed with joint venture partners have brought in tens of millions of dollars for us. And ETR's parent company, Agora, grew its investment newsletter business from $1 million to $60 million in just 15 years, primarily through joint venture marketing deals.

Master copywriter Bob Bly calls relationship building "the most important factor determining your success as an Internet marketer... or in virtually any other business."

"The quality and quantity of your contacts and your relationships will have more to do with your success than perhaps any other factor," says information marketing superstar and self-development guru Brian Tracy. "Knowing the right people and being known by them can open doors for you that can save you years of hard work."

Says entrepreneur Paul Lawrence, "Making deals with powerful partners is one of the best ways to 'leapfrog' your way to a position of influence and profitability in the blink of an eye."

Need Oprah to make your book a bestseller? Want to get Bill Gates's take on your new software platform? Looking for business advice from Peter Drucker?

You might think these people are too famous for you to ever connect with.

But you're wrong.

Today, I'm going to show you how to get the attention of practically anyone.

This surprisingly simple "passkey" to success comes from Larry Benet, who will be on the panel of experts speaking at ETR's Info Marketing Bootcamp this November.

Larry has rubbed elbows with Donald Trump, Larry King, Richard Branson, and many other "movers and shakers." He's helped dozens of clients make connections that helped them skyrocket their income and reach their dreams.

From "Lowly" Salesman to Master Connector

Larry discovered his "passkey" on the tennis court, of all places.

He had started his corporate career by working as a "lowly sales guy." But then, one day, he took a hard look at the three men he was playing tennis with.

All three were CEOs. Each was worth a couple of hundred million. They were three of the most influential people in Larry's industry.

He thought to himself, "How did I, once just a cog in the big corporate wheel, manage to penetrate this inner circle?"

He realized it had to do with his innate ability to connect with other people. And soon he discovered that he could put his gift into easy-to-follow steps that anyone could use.

One of the most effective steps in Larry's "formula" is to ask a simple question.

The "Passkey" to Making Critical Business and Life Connections

Whenever Larry wants to connect with someone, he asks, "How can I help you?"

These five words allowed him to connect with Larry King in under 60 seconds... and persuaded Richard Branson to hand over his personal e-mail address in under 30 seconds.

If you use this powerful phrase correctly, and put it to work for yourself or your business, Larry firmly believes you could easily add an extra $50,000 to $100,000 to your bottom line. But I believe developing new relationships with people in key positions in your industry can make you much, much more over time.

I've talked before about how critical the mentor/protege relationship is in business. When you're just starting out, the advice and support of an experienced person in your field will give you a shortcut to success as an entrepreneur. Then, later in your career, having a relationship with a superstar who can take on some (or eventually all) of the burden of running your business is like striking gold.

"One of my biggest business assets has been the 'big-name' relationships I've created and nurtured over the years," says Alex Mandossian, CEO of Heritage House Publishing Inc. One notable example: his relationship with author Jack Canfield, which expanded his customer list by thousands.

With Larry's passkey, you will have the ability to connect with anyone at any time you wish.

Just imagine all the benefits that skill could bring you...

  • You could meet celebrities...
  • Get interviews with Fortune 500 CEOs...
  • Find new clients, investors, or partners.

The sky is the limit.

Now this five-word passkey can get you "in" with almost anyone. But to maintain the relationship and watch it grow into something profitable... you need to master a few additional strategies.

A Proven Formula for Making Your High-Value Relationships Grow and Prosper

Larry will be unveiling these connection-forging strategies at ETR's Bootcamp this November. Not only that, he will show you how to put these strategies to work.

That's what he's done for his top clients.

"Carlos," for instance, was already a successful purveyor of business trade show signs - but he desperately wanted to get into the Hollywood scene. He'd been trying for 10 years. Then he met up with Larry. Within 72 hours of learning Larry's secrets to forging connections, Carlos had landed his first two Hollywood clients. Now, you can see Carlos's signage behind the stars at red carpet premieres. (And Carlos is currently in the process of using his connections to become an executive film producer.)

Then there's Geoff, a top recruiter for a financial services company who's been working with Larry for over two years. In that time, he's been able to generate hundreds of thousands of dollars by forming joint ventures with some of the biggest names in real estate and investing.

And Larry's been putting his connection-forging strategies to work for himself, too. That's how he got an invitation to speak at ETR's Bootcamp!

The ONLY Event You Should Attend This Fall

Of course, Larry isn't the only expert who'll be "telling all" at Bootcamp. And his relationship-building formula isn't the only cash-generating strategy Bootcamp attendees will discover.

Bootcamp is going to be a showcase of the most mindboggling collection of cutting-edge, breakthrough ideas presented by the finest group of marketing geniuses ever assembled in one place.

When you leave this event, you'll have a locked-and-loaded arsenal of real, practical, and powerful techniques for building your wealth.

MaryEllen and her team have assembled a world-class panel of moneymaking visionaries from across the nation. We're talking about Rich Schefren, Joe Polish, Mike Koenigs, Clayton Makepeace, Howie Jacobson, Chris Chickering, and many more.

These men and women will reveal EXACTLY how to start bringing in cash right now - and how to keep it coming in.

And every one of them has pledged to show you at least one specific technique that could have you bringing in an extra $10,000 within the next six months:

  • The "Missing Link" in your business that could make you $5 million...
  • The secret to reaching 4.5 billion (that's billion with a "B") potential customers...
  • How to produce $5 million in online sales per month off a single product...

And that's just a tiny sampling.

By the way, I'll be speaking at Bootcamp as well. It's the only presentation I'll give this year, and I can't wait to blow you away with the hot wealth-building trend I see coming down the pike.

Bootcamp is THE ONLY event where you can get access to the leaders in information marketing. You won't find such a powerful concentration of game-changing ideas and revolutionary strategies anywhere else.

We have just 250 openings for this year's Bootcamp - and registration begins bright and early tomorrow morning.

Make sure you keep a close eye on your inbox, and reserve your spot at Bootcamp as soon as registration opens.

* Highly Recommended *

Should Making Money Online Be This Easy?

I hear stories of budding Internet entrepreneurs jumping through hoops to make a buck. And sure, many times building a solid, long term business does take real effort. But you can also quietly pocket some decent dough online for much less work.

In this case, you can copy the exact steps one man used to make $187,296 in one day.  No, that's not a misprint.

What's stopping you from doing the same? The program is called Instant Internet Income and I guarantee it works exactly as it says. 

Take a look and see just how easy making money online can be.

The "A Prospect" Advantage

By Marc Charles

No matter what you're selling, your job will be a lot easier of you target your marketing efforts to "A" prospects. By that I mean pre-qualified buyers - people who have already purchased what you're selling. Ideally, they've done it recently (and often).

"B" prospects are people who have shown an interest in what you're selling - maybe by calling a toll-free number, sending an e-mail, or writing a letter to ask for more information. They're interested, and they've acted on that interest. That's great.

But they're not nearly as valuable to you as "A" prospects.

Where do you find these primo prospects? 

First, go to your own list of buyers. Always target them when you create a new product similar to one they've bought from you before. Then go directly to a company that has successfully sold products like yours. Rent their mailing lists. Their buyers should respond well to your offer. 

[Ed. Note: Small-business and marketing expert Marc Charles reveals a new "under the radar" business opportunity - and the marketing tactic you can use to take advantage of it - every month in the Liberty Street Letter. 

He's joined by experts in real estate, commodities, and retirement planning, and others who specialize in making money "off Wall Street." Find out more here.]

Too Much Enthusiasm

By Matt Furey

Years ago, while I was living in California, there was a saying: "Curb your enthusiasm."

It's an important saying to know when doing business. Sometimes you can get so excited about what you're doing or offering that you make foolish decisions.

Happens all the time.

My friend Kim Wood, an NFL strength coach for 27 years, points out: "An animal on the attack is cautious almost to the point of cowardice."

Fascinating, eh?

Picture a cheetah running 70 mph after a deer or antelope. He doesn't appear to be cautious at all. Yet prior to that 70 mph burst, the cheetah had very carefully stalked his prey and scoped out the terrain. He does not simply take off on a sprint as soon as he's hungry.

So the key to enthusiasm is balance. Same with confidence.

There's confidence and over-confidence. There's enthusiasm and over-enthusiasm.

Conversely, there is under-enthusiasm and under-confidence. I think most people who are struggling fall into the "under" category. They don't need to curb their enthusiasm. They need to unleash it.

Enthusiasm for what you do and what you're attempting to do is a cornerstone of success. Without it, you cannot accomplish much. As Emerson wrote, "Nothing great was ever accomplished without enthusiasm."

At the same time, being too enthusiastic, too confident, and too positive can hurt you. It's a matter of balance.

When I was studying shuai jiao kung fu years ago, Dr. Daniel Weng once told me, "A strength overextended becomes a weakness."

How true.

And lest you think this applies only to martial arts - think again. It applies to everything you do in life. It also applies to every virtue.

Even love.

[Ed. Note: Matt Furey, an internationally recognized expert in self-development, fitness, and martial arts, is president of the Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation, Inc. With Matt's 101 Ways to Magnetize Money, you can learn the REAL SECRETS of financial success known only to the most prosperous men and women who have ever lived. Find out more right here.]

A Dietary Secret to Living Longer and Improving Your Memory

By Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS

A number of studies have shown that a simple dietary maneuver may be one of the most effective anti-aging strategies ever. In the lab, it's virtually the only thing that's been shown to extend the life of every species tested, from yeast and fruit flies to monkeys.

It can help you lose weight.

It may also improve memory.

And it doesn't require drugs or fancy equipment.

I'm talking about cutting calories.

Researchers in Germany asked one group of elderly volunteers to eat the food they normally ate but to eat about one-third fewer calories, primarily by eating smaller portions. After three months on this diet, they were given a memory test. Compared to two other groups who had been eating their regular number of calories, this group had a significant improvement in memory.

"To our knowledge, the current results provide the first experimental evidence in humans that caloric restriction improves memory in the elderly," said the researchers.

Scientists aren't sure of the exact mechanism by which calorie restriction helps the brain, but theorize that it's because it reduces both inflammation and oxidative damage, both known brain-agers.

To get the full advantages of this simple strategy, all you have to do is reduce your portions by one-third.

[Ed. Note: Making simple lifestyle changes - like curbing your caloric intake - can have a huge effect on your overall health. Find out more about effective natural cures from Jonny Bowden, author of the upcoming book The Most Effective Ways to Live Longer, at

Not sure how to cut calories without sacrificing flavor? Discover dozens of healthy recipes and plenty of expert advice about what you should and shouldn't be eating by signing up for ETR's FREE natural health e-newsletter.]

It's Good to Know: A Big No-No on a Job Application

Before you turn in a job application, check what you wrote. And check again. A recent survey of senior executives found that more than 20 percent of them would automatically dismiss an application with just one typo. Twenty-eight percent said they would permit one, but not two. Only 19 percent said four or more typos would be okay.

(Source: Reuters)

* Highly Recommended *

Recover from the Recession Before Everyone Else

If you're like several people I know you've lost half or more of your 401(k), IRA, stock portfolio, or whatever retirement plan you've got going in the last six months.

But you could have it back - and then some - before 2009 ends.

Get your Recession Recovery Plan today.

Word to the Wise: Invincible

"Invincible" (in-VIN-suh-bul) - from the Latin - means incapable of being conquered, defeated, or subdued.

Example (as used by Edward Gibbon): "My early and invincible love of reading I would not exchange for all the riches of India."

[Ed. Note: Become a more persuasive writer and speaker... build your self-confidence and intellect... increase your attractiveness to others... just by spending 10 VERY enjoyable minutes a day with ETR's Words to the Wise CD Library.]

Copyright ETR, LLC, 2009

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