SAMPLE: E-mail to MLM and IM advertisers

Hello Everyone,
I wanted to share a short email with you
that I am using when I receive offers from
other networkers, or if I read one of their
ads online or offline.
example response....
Hello [first name],

I just reviewed your business offer.
And, I would like to help you explode your
business.  We have a complete marketing
support system that will help to brand you
as an expert in the industry.
Take a look at what we can do to help
your business increase in size quickly.
Watch the free video on my link below:
Call me if you have any questions. I am
only working with a few more Inner Circle people
this month, so please get back to me ASAP.
Retired Promoter,
Glen Brink

NOTE:  The entire message is about helping
them build their business. 
You are not pushing
some deal on them, but offering to help them.

BIG DIFFERENCE.   Use this approach on emails and on the phone as well. 
Watch how different
their response will be.

Always extend a helping hand and it won't get bitten.

Take Care,
Glen Brink
1-(303) 442-6460
Skype: glenbrink
About me..

Glen :-)


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